Here are the mountain animals I have researched on and their characteristics. Sit back, relax, and enjoy......
The list is here:
1: Bighorn Sheep
Size 4 to 5 feet long
2 1/2 to 31/2 feet tall
Body Covering short fur
gray and white
Diet Grass, leaves, plants
Adult bighorn sheep warn the rest of the herd with loud calls when danger is approaching.
2: Alpaca .
Size 4 to 7 feet long
3 to 3 1/2 feet tall
Body Covering thick fur
brown,gray or white
Diet grass and plants
Alpacas have long, soft, fine wool which is valuable to people.
3: Bald Eagle
Size 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall
wingspan of 6 to 8 feet
Body Covering feathers
brown body, white head
Diet fish
The bald eagle's name comes from the white feathers on its head which makes it look bald from a distance.
Size 12 to 14 inches long
tale is 3 to 6 inches long
Body Covering very long and thick fur
blue gray color
Diet grass, fruit, seeds, moss, roots,
Chinchillas' teeth never stop growing so they must eat all the time to wear down their teeth.
Size 5 to 8 feet tall at the shoulder
8 to 10 feet long
Body Covering black-brown fur
Diet plants
Cow moose do not have antlers, but bull moose do. Moose antlers are large with many points that look a little like fingers on a hand.
6: Mountain Goat
Size 4 feet tall
5 1/2 feet long
Body Covering thick, white, shaggy
fur that is short in the summer and
long in the winter
Diet grasses and tree leaves
Mountain goats are very sure-footed. They can move on mountain cliffs without falling or getting stuck.
7: Grizzly Bear
Size 61/2 to 9 feet tall,
330 to 1700 pounds
Body Covering brown,black
or cream fur
Diet berries,fruits,insects,
fish,young deer
Bears eat a lot in the summer and store up fat in their bodies for the winter when food is hard to find. They sleep a lot during the winter, but they do not hibernate.
8:Gray Wolf
Size 3 1/2 to 5 feet long
tale is 1 to 1 1/2 feet long
Body Covering gray fur
Diet moose, deer, beavers and hares
Gray wolves travel in groups called packs. Each pack has a leader, who guides them in hunting.
9:Mountain Lion
Size 3 1/2 to 6 feet long
tale is 2 to 21/2 feet long
Body Covering short, tan fur
Diet mainly deer, but other
wild animals
Mountain lions have long, straight, stiff whiskers that help them find their way around. The whiskers are helpful for hunting.
10:Mule Deer
Size 3 1/2 feet at the shoulder
6 feet long
Body Covering rusty red fur
Diet plants
Males are called bucks. Bucks have antlers which may be two to three feet across and have 8 to 10 points.
11: Owl
Size 2 1/2 feet long
wingspan of up to 5 feet
Body Covering gray feathers
Diet birds, moles, squirrels
The feet of the great gray owl contain razor-sharp talons, or claws, for hunting. The call of the great gray owl is a familiar "whoo-whoo- whoo".
12: Red Squirrel
Size 7 to 9 inches long
tale is 4 to 6 inches long
Body Covering red brown fur
Diet pine seeds, nuts, buds,fruits,
grain, bark, fungi, bird's eggs
American red squirrels have sharp claws for gripping things. They have whiskers that help them find their way around.
Size 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall
Body covering fur
light tan to reddish brown
Diet leaves, shrubs
The pronghorn is the fastest mammal in the Western Hemisphere. It runs at speeds up to 60 miles per hour.
14: Greater Kudu
Size 6 to 8 feet long
Body Covering fur
gray brown to red brown
Diet leaves, fruits, and grass
Greater kudus protect themselves using their very goodthey make a loud call to the rest of the herd and bolt for cover in the bush
That's all.. but if you want, I will provide you with their pictures.. They are numbered, so you won't be worried you will not know which animal belongs to which description!
Here they are!!!
1: 2:
4: 5:
7: 8:
10: 11:
13: 14:
Well, that's all! Hope you liked it!!! (I spent 1/2 hr!!)
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