Monday 25 May 2009

My Science centre trip!!!!

Today I went to the Science centre. My class and I went into a laboratory and did an experiment. It is to find the deoxyribonucleic acid* (DNA) in Bacteria. I found it quite fun. Then, we made a structure of how the deoxyribonucleic acid* (DNA) looks like. My friend next to me, Maverique, had all his acids broken... we found it hilarious and even said he had the Tay-sack* disease! Next, it was snack time. Tell you a secret: I ate 2 packets of Oishi, 2 Oreos, 2 otahs, and 2 seaweeds! I have a big appetite, don't I? Ok, enough talking, I've got to go and participate in my English club training... having the finals on 4th of July. Bye!

* Forgive me if I spelt 'deoxyribonucleic' wrongly!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Calvin, I gave you those Oreos and ya right, the 'acids' in that DNA example got broken...

