Monday 25 May 2009

science center trip xDD!!

Today was THE BEST DAY oF MY LIFE!!!!(well maybe for some hahas.) We learnt about DNA and it was so fun!!! xDDD. We got to put on lab coats which made us all looked like professors! Zahirah wore her spectacles and together with the lab coat, it made her look like some kind of professor who was reading! Then we watched a video clip about this genetic diesease when one letter of a dna(aka: deoxyribnucleic acid) goes un-attached. it was so sad everyone almost went sobsob :(:(.(maybe we have no hearts because the boy who died cause of this was pitiful!!) Then we went to mcDonalds for !lunchlunch! I was totally freaked out because the sec students were practically cutting queues. When we were at the counter the bus came(bus uncle come so early make me mad!!). Lalalas then me and Ivanna went to put our bags at the bus bay then general office people stop us.(just put bad only what, also not go commit crime(we went to put our bags anyways)
Then go home sleepsleep.

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