Friday, 21 May 2010
My reflections on my SA1 results...
Frankly speaking, I am very disappointed with my results... I thought that I could have done better... Anyway, I will work harder for my prelims and doubly hard for my Primary School Leaving Examinations or PSLE...... And if ms zarinah asks for my target for prelims, here it is!!
English: 91++/100 (I wanna have an A*)
Maths: 100/100 (Must have a perfect score for Maths!!)
Science: 100/100 (Maybe... but it will just be my wishful thinking or what you guys call a dream that NEVER comes true.. :[ )
Mother Tongue: 85/100 (A reachable target if I work a little harder on my Chinese Language or CL!!)
So, I keep saying "work harder" but how can I work hard???
1: Do my English, Maths and Science revision papers
2: Have a scheduled plan for revision purposes (of course not for playing and enjoyment)
3: Focus on my revision (Don't do half-hearted revision... in other words..)
So that's all! I have to go now, so bye!!
Calvin (Have a nice day!!)
Thursday, 20 May 2010
My SA1 results
Reflection for my SA1 results
Reflection for sa1
The worst results!!
My Reflections
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
My reflection for SA1 results
My horrible marks for SA1
Done by:Qiu En
A Reflection On My SA1 Results...
My Sa1 reflection... :P
Overall, i did not reach my expectation for all 4 subjects as i believe i am able to achieve better results for prelim and PSLE.
My reflection for SA1 results(neutral Joelvin)
My reflection for SA1 results
the Peanut times By:Gareth

Air travel is being overhauled with a new aircraft design which plans to seat passengers facing each other in rows.
The controversial design is intended to save space and money and could see 50 per cent more passengers packed on to each plane.
Howard Guy, director of the UK company Design Q, acknowledges that some people will not be happy with the plan, but says they will be able to pay less for any inconvenience.
News #2 ( Ms Zarinah should be interested )
Area drivers looking to outwit police speed traps and traffic cameras are using an iPhone application and other global positioning system devices that pinpoint the location of the cameras.
That has irked D.C. police chief Cathy Lanier, who promised her officers would pick up their game to counteract the devices, which can also help drivers dodge sobriety checkpoints.
"I think that's the whole point of this program," she told The Examiner. "It's designed to circumvent law enforcement -- law enforcement that is designed specifically to save lives."
The new technology streams to iPhones and global positioning system devices, sounding off an alarm as drivers approach speed or red-light cameras.
Lanier said the technology is a "cowardly tactic" and "people who overly rely on those and break the law anyway are going to get caught" in one way or another.
The greater D.C. area has 290 red-light and speed cameras -- comprising nearly 10 percent of all traffic cameras in the U.S., according to estimates by a camera-tracking database called the POI Factory.
Lanier said the cameras have decreased traffic deaths. Red-light and speed cameras have been a hot topic in Montgomery County since Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley signed a bill in May allowing local governments to place speed cameras in school and highway construction zones.
Montgomery County police did not respond to calls and e-mails for this story.
Ralph Ganoe of Silver Spring said he uses detection software from a Washington-based company, PhantomAlert, to avoid speed traps and crowded intersections.
"Well, my pocket has money in it," Ganoe quipped, when asked about the software's impact on his driving record. "Everybody's got a heavy foot. ... Now I don't have to worry about where [the cameras] are at."
PhantomAlert mimics radar detectors — which are outlawed in D.C. and Virginia — by alerting drivers of nearby enforcement "points of interest" via global positioning system devices. PhantomAlert keeps up to date on traffic enforcement through its users, who contribute information online.
Founder and CEO of PhantomAlert Joe Scott claimed nine out of 10 police departments across the country support his software.
"If police come against us, it's going to make them look like they are only [after] revenue" from the camera-generated citations, he said.
Photo radar tickets generated nearly $1 billion in revenues for D.C. during fiscal years 2005 to 2008.
In the current fiscal year, Montgomery County expects to make $29 million from its red light and speed cameras. Lanier said efforts to outlaw the software would be too difficult.
She said, "with the Internet and all the new technology, it's almost impossible to stop the flow of information."
Really long, but worth the effort. Okay, here's a joke for you
D: Ah boy ah, your exam do so well, what you wan? ahpa buy for you!
S: I want the PSP wif a downloaded game. Dam expensive sia!
D: Walau, u go buy pang-sai program for wad?
S: Ahpa, PSP not pang-sai program, is PlayStation Portable larh
D: Wah seh, Pang-sai got portable one ar? How much? Got portable toilet ar, want to Pang-sai very easy!
S: Ahpa, you stupid izzit? Toilet where got portable one? Juz take me go buy larh.
D: Let's Go!
D: The Pang-sai so expensive?! Whose Pang-sai so treasure? S.R Nathan one arh?
S: Shut up, ahpa.
S: I download Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3...... OKAY! Thanks uncle!
D: Stupid Pang-sai... So dam expensive sia...
( Sasuke's Chidori Sound effect)
S: Yes! I win Suigetsu le! Complete mission liao!
S: Ahpa! You play my PSP?!
D: Wah, this portable Pang-sai dam fun leh
S: Shut up ahpa.
Now for some poems!
I'm A Hotel Manager
I'm a Hotel Manager,
Always at my best,
Providing customer service,
And satisfaction to every guest.
I'm expected to speak the language,
Of each and every nation,
Be a geographical expert,
When taking a reservation.
I check you in, I check you out,
I can even read your mind,
Send a fax, fix the printer,
All at the same time.
Change a light bulb, flip a breaker,
Of course I can repair your T.V!
Fix the A/C, plunge a toilet,
A Jack Of All Trades, that's me.
I'm a desk clerk, I'm a housemaid,
I'm a bellboy at the door,
Catering to your every whim,
I'm your personal slave, need I say more!
LOL-NESS TO THE EXTREME!!! anyway, we have come to the end of the majestic peanut times! keep a lookout for the next issue as we criticise people positively (opposite) !!! bye! This is reporter Gareth, signing off~~
Reflection for SA1 results...
My Reflection:)
Especially my English results, they were the most upseting ones.Maybe by
reading more storybooks will help a little in my vocabulary.
Secondly, math. I agree that the questions were easy however,
due to carelessness, those silly mistakes were made. And because of that,
I'm two marks from A*! Argg!Maybe, I'll try to reduce my carelessness by checking
meticulously after I have finish any math papers.
As for mother tongue, I thought I could get higher marks than what
I had received.Perhaps, I shall read the chinese newspaper to improve in it.
Finally, my science results. They seems okay to me. I think,
it was because of the past year papers I did recently. All my effort were not in vain.