Saturday 4 April 2009

3 days without Ms Zarinah

Today, during class our relief teacher is called Mrs Kwok, she first gave us math work which was Maths Worksheet 7. After we finish our paper, she gave us english continuous writing. Soon after that was our recess! The best period of all!! When recess was over we lined up at the parade square sun-tanning because it was a seriously hot day. Our mother tongue teacher brought us back to class for mother tongue lesson. The minute I reached class, I yanked my bag off the seat and walked quickly up to class 5c. After mother tongue class, Mrs Kwok came back in again and told us to read our science textbook. Mrs Kwok waited until the bell rang then released us but Ms Zarinah releases us earlier so she is a good teacher!
The next day, Mrs Kwok gave us Maths Worksheet 8 to do and Synthesis Worksheet 8, the day also ended the same way like Tuesday.
Thursday, teacher gave us more work to do like Maths Worksheet 9 and Synthesis 9 and told us to read science textbook from chapters 3 to 4. The day amazingly ended the same way like the other 2 days.

---------MinZhe Of Class 5G

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