Wednesday 22 April 2009

p5 camp

the p5 camy was fun,but i missed my parents alot.on the first day of camp was a started rainig!we was stuck in something which was round for more than an hour.we were seperated into groups i was in group twelve which consist of 12 people and the rest were grouped into group group trainer told us to call him bumble 11's tranier name is mr mizi.then we played was fun but hard.then mr mizi told us that bumble bee's real name is elizibert.but bumble bee said that it was not true.he said that mizi's real name is maggie mee.we all had a good laugh.then we did abseiling.the traneir told us not to touch the rocks has it is very old.then we went on a nature walk.we had to go to the beach and collect rubbish.there were some stray dogs there.they were so cute.then we learned about the antlion.the antlion was a carnivor at young but becomes a vegitarian when older.then we went to play animal call.we have to listen to our team 12's animal sound was a frog.we had to use our shirt to make a blind fold.then we slept at12.15am.but my friend and i did not sleep much.we were up telling ghost friends story was very interesting.she lived in a condominum and there were 3 fountains.the water would be turned of every night.but one day,even though the water was turned of,on of the fountains was still spurting out water.but the most odd thing was that the water was stained with blood!divinya,my friend,had saw what had happened.but besides her parent no one belived her.then the next night after the water was turned off,the fountain was still spurting water but this time the water was fully red!divinya woke her parents and her parent told the security guard.the security guard called the police and the police gave every one a bucket of that water for proof.but divinya sister opened the lid ,then after for a while her mother noticed.she saw divinya"s sister licking the red colour substense.but test shown that it was tomato sauce.i still do not know if divinya is telling the truth or not.the next day we did backwoods.we cooked orange egg and jumbo banana.then we went to challenge valley.then we went to the milo was very fun.then we went to general station.there will be alot of ropes and we have to through it with six was very fun.then we did campfire preparation.we learend a loo song and a song about the canel in serinbun camp.when it was time for camp fire i was very excited.when they lighted up the camp fire i was amazed as it looked like fireworks.we had to do the cheer first.but unfortunatly after the cheer my eyelids kept i missed out alot of things.but when i reached my dorm i was not even sleepy one i had a hard time sleeping.then the next morning we had our breakfast and we did area cleaning.we had to clean the had a very unplesent smell.then we made our journey back home.i was very delighted

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