Wednesday 22 April 2009

three days of camp

On the first day of camp, when I reached Sarimbun Scout Camp the first thing we did is to go to our A huts (aka 5 star hotel). After that our Trainer Shanon(aka Gorgeous),told us to wear our track pants because we were doing archery. During archery, Trainer Mizi(aka handsome said that if we hit the bullseye he will pay us $5 which sounded like a good challenge. Next we did abseiling which needed us to wear a harness, a pair of gloves and a helmet. We needed to put our feet on the wall to walk our way down, it was scary as it was really high. Then we did litter picking and found out about a new insect called Antlion. Next day we play a game called carry poter. 7 people
will stand on a bench and we cannot talk.the rest will stand around the bench,people on the bench will have to arange themself by their height or oldest to youngest Next activity was leap of faith WHERE I SPRAIN MY ANKLE BADLY AND CANNOT WALK PROPERLY.After that our next activity was diving into the milo river!OBVIOUSLY I WAS BANNED FROM EVERY ACTIVITY.the last day was HORRIBLE! WE HAD TO WASH THE TOILET!we had to use our own shampoo to wash the toilet.the WORST thing was SOMEBODY IN THE CLASS THROW ME SHAMPOO AWAY IN THE TRASH BAG! it was sad that we had to say bye to gorgous and handsome.
bay min zhe

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