Wednesday 22 April 2009

Jolice's Camp

I had my camp on 15th April to 17th April. I had a lot of fun! My class is divided in two groups, group11 and group 12. I am in group 12. There is two new friends I made from 5A, Fahima and Josiah (I guess their names are spelt ike that!). We arrived at the camp with a bad weather. The girls are to sleep in dorms (Dormitory) and the boys are to sleep in A-huts. The first day, we had our first activity on archery. I shot one of the arrows below the board and another two arrows over the board. Nobody in our class shot bull's eye apart from Xin Yi. She is the only one who shot bull's eye. The boys are a total disgrace. Next, if I am not wrong, we played abseiling. I went half way down and...BANG! I smack into the wall and came down straight. I was really scared. The trainer wanted to go to the toilet but I wouldn't let him. I am thinking he wanted me to overcome my fear of abseiling. I think we had Nature Program after that. The trainer let us know about antlions and they eat ANTS. Yuck! I want to pluck! Th en she gave each of us a glove, and each group a plastic bag. We are going to pick up rubbish on yhe beach! I think it is quite meaningful but I really wish there are more rubbish bins to allow others to throw their rubbish. It is very yucky. Anyway, I had fun.There are a LOT of other activities I want to share, but I had wrote too much, it is time to stop. My hands are very tired too!

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