Thursday 23 April 2009

It was fun at camp.I was in Group 11 and our trainer was Mr Mizi. it was raining heavily when we reached Serambun. After the rain, we went to our dorms and A- huts to put our things and change into long pants or track pants. We did archery, abseiling and many more. The second day, we agreed that whoever wakes up first will wake the rest up. By the time we went to brush teeth, the girls' toilet were too packed with people. We had our breakfast, did backwood cooking, ate our lunchand slide into the milo pond. We did many more activities untill 10p.m., we brushed our teeth and went to sleep. I was sleeping in dorm 5 and we were late so we rushed to eat our breakfast. we didarea cleaning and some evaluations form. Mizi then promised us to treat us to Mcdonalds! We then went home. Home Sweet Home!

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