Wednesday 22 April 2009

The three day at Serimbun camp

When we are leaving we met MAC the camp chief at first i thought he was very funny because he made as laugh till our stomach is pain !!!Then he introduce us to the two joker .they teach us some cheer at school.when we reach the camp,it started raining heavily.How unlucky we were after the rain the girls went to the dorms and the boys went to their A huts and we need to change into track/long pants we girls change but the boys did not change because they did not listen.
After they change we went to play ARCHERY it was very fun and Mizy and Bumblebee had a challenge and Mizy Won! After that we went to play ABSEILING the board was slippery and Travis was the best the trainer said he called him to try to come up but we did not learn how to go up so he don't know .........there are still lots of things but i will skip to the Animal night we played that we need to listen carefully to our group member with the same animal sound!!!
i tried sleeping on the first night but i could not sleep as outside was very noisy!!!But at the camefire we sing the lengkang cheer and many more .The teachers need to dance too.after we went to sleep i was able to sleep well because i was very tired and slept like a log.It was very funny and fun on the camp.

Tjia Wang Ying

1 comment:

  1. the boys did listen that trainer mizi did not told us to change
