Wednesday 22 April 2009

My P5 Camp:ervin

Day 1. When we reached the scout camp,it rained quite heavily.We had to stay in the Multi-purpose hall for about 1 hour.We wasted alot of time!!We did Archery and abseiling.We learned how to wear the harness too!!

Day 2.The next day,We had bee hoon for breakfast.It tasted really great!Our first activity was Team building like 'leap of faith','Harry Potter' and something like that.After that,we did the high elements.I remember I didn't have anytime to do the High Elements.Later, we prepared for our campfire.After dinner,campfire and supper,I slept like a log!

Day 3.When we woke up, we felt very sleepy.I packed my haversack and day bag and left them at the open field.We went for the last activity, the Low Wall of China. After that,we did Area Cleaning and finally, the camp chief clolsed the camp and gave prizes to the winning groups.

I had a really great camp!

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