Wednesday 22 April 2009

The Camp {Damus Lim jun Hao}

When we reached,it was raining!We could not go to our Dorms & A-Huts as it was raining heavily!We were making lots of noise and i had a headache.The rain finally stopped and we went back to our Dorms & A-Huts to put our things and took our daypack to eat.Our first activity was archery.Our trainer Mizi shot 3 bulls eye! Our secondActivity was Absailing.We had question marks about what absailing was.When we reached,we were so shocked!We had to be facing the wall walking down!!!We got punished all because of a few people!We got to the milo pond and we had to wear"vests" then we could go down.i was the first to go down and it was quite scary!When i came up,my nose was so pain!Then we went to the low wall of china.We had to work as a team to let people get up.Next we did CRC.It was so fun!I remembered that Ashley was the fastest.The next was the best!It was campfire!We saw the beautiful campfire.We did not get punished today as it was "bumblebee" checking our A- hut.He told us LIGHTS OFF!We washed the whole place and went back to school!

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