Wednesday 22 April 2009

The Camp

Truthfully saying, my time in camp was not that fun. The first thing we did in camp is to check in to our dorms.The girls are supposed to sleep in the dorms while boy are supposed to sleep in the A-huts. All the girls in my dorms, including me, all rushed to change into trackpants for the activities. Then, we quickly lined up and went for our lunch. After our lunch, we went behind the canteen to try archery. When it was my turn, I did very badly. Two of my arrows did not even hit the board but luckily one did. Xin Yi did very well for archery. I think she managed to hit the bull's eye once. The next activity was abseiling. I learnt to put on the harness and wear the helmet. As I was quite scared of heights, I was very scared to go down when it was my turn but I still managed to go down. The first day of my camp was quite fun but the second day was not. I felt giddy and my temperature went up. I missed all my activities and had to go back home. When I went back to school on Monday, my friends described the campfire to be so much fun that I wished that I was not sick and was able to stay for the campfire. Oh, how I wish I was there!

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