Thursday 23 April 2009


last wednesday,our p5 level camped at serimbun scout camp.our 1st activity was archery.only xinyi hit the bullseye!after that,we went air sailing.i fell down on the platform because my legs were too,i think we had lunch.i don't remember.anyway,the next day,we learned how to cook 2 dishes-jumbo banana &orange egg.later we all had to slide down to the milo was quite fun but muddy.after lunch we did the general stations and crc.then,we had to do our camp prep.later in the night when we had our campfire,we did a lot of cheers and i think our class took up the most time.the last morning,we had to clean the toilets and do a survey.then there was the prize giving ceremony.too bad our class did not win anything.

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