Wednesday 22 April 2009

P5 camp @ Sarimbun Camp

The p5 camp was fun! But it was full of sand. The dorms' floor was full of sand and so are the bed! After behing my feet was wet and when I walked into the dorm, my feet was covered in sand. The food was okay, but not so delicious, the noddles for breakfast was so salty! The archery was fun and i almost hit the bull's eye. If I pull further it would have stuck at there instead of bouncing off. Next, we went to play something that I had forf=gotten what it was called. We had our dinner and Animal Call game then we bathed and sleep. The next morning was better. We played the Harry Potter game and the skipping rope. Next we went and we played the CRC and general stations. The CRC was very high and it was scary! We ate lunch and then had backwoods cooking. We went to the milo pond and slided down. When i slided down, I felt as if a pressure pushed me down to the water. Next we changed. We had dinner and then it was campfire. I was tired and then it was finally time to sleep. Next day,17th april, we went back to school. I wished that i could go there again.

done by maydelene

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